
Fast Money is an allegory of the constant struggle of the two main opposing factions on Wall Street played out in a game of football.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Build Build Build

Yes. It’s been a while since I posted last, but that does not mean that I haven’t been working on the project. It just gets a little hard when I’m also doing paid client work. Paying the bills takes priority over my personal wants... sometimes.

So I started building the characters in 3D, starting with the bear character. Originally I was going to build it in 3DS Max and do some touch-up work in the sculpting program Mudbox. 

I started out with a box and...

started pushing and pulling points until...

I got a shape that resembled something like my bear character. 

The only problem with this method, for me, is that this process takes a bit of time to get a good representation of what I wanted. With so much time being spent getting the proportions correct and looking somewhat decent, I soon found myself getting bored and loosing the energy of the characters. So I scrapped the model I made and started from the beginning, working directly in the sculpting program. 

This was a fantastic thing for me because I got the look and the feel of what I wanted in only a few hours instead of a few days with the other method. 

Instead of dreading the work, I found myself looking forward to sitting down...

and putting more detail into the models. 

I had to be careful, however, 

because these characters are not supposed to be too detailed. For the look I’m going for, they need a bit of softness. 

I can see myself using this method of building characters in any future projects that I have. 

It’s just too fun.

More to come.


  1. Hey Marc,

    Just thought I would drop into Ur Blog - to see your progress - but, also since I am considering a Blog of my own - for 1 of my MakerBot related projects.

    As 4 Ur post above - I agree with you - sculpting programs like Sculptris - which I Love to play around in really can be much more fun than sometimes doing tedious organic modeling in something like Max.

    Keep up the progress!


  2. Looking good. Waiting for more. . . .

    What sculpting program are you using?

  3. Thank you, my friend.
    Right now I'm using Mudbox for my sculpt. I like the ease of use.
    Currently, I had to put the project in a holding pattern because I have to get another project done first so there won't be any progress during the summer, but I will pick up again in the fall.


  4. Wouldn't be The Ride, would it? LOL. Just kidding.
